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That old saying goes
Punks jump up to get beat down
So in times of no voice or reason
Why not welcome back three techno delinquents
Who know how better than most
To throw a hard left to the bass-drum punch
T.RAUMSCHMIERE has soared on our SPEICHER eagle some few times past
And returns with a hearty swill of his signature romper room liberation techno
Drink it up and let the BASS BALLERT VOM BALKON
Take you to oblivion
Brothers VOIGT & VOIGT are no strangers to our series
And their new episode is unlike any show you have seen
Starring BASSTARD – that low slung, deep bass minstrel
2 Part Erdinger and 4 Part Absolut.
B. Basstard by Voigt & Voigt 03:17