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ABSU Mythological Occult Metal 2CD
- Wykonawca: ABSU Tytuł: Mythological Occult Metal
Płyta kompaktowa CD artysty ABSU pod tytułem Mythological Occult Metal. Produkt pochodzi z legalnej, oficjalnej dystrybucji i jest fabrycznie nowy.
1.The Gold Torques of Ulàid
2.Never Blow Out the Eastern Candle
3.Stone Of Destiny
4.Immortal Sorcery
5.Sumerian Sands (The Silence)
7.And Shineth unto the Cold Cometh... including Prelusion to Cythràul
8.Akhera Goiti - Akhera Beiti (One Black Opalith for Tomorrow)
9.Reliquiae Celticae
10.The Great Battle Moving From Ideal to Actual
11.Old Tombs at Hochdorf
12Deathcrush including Silvester Angfang
13.Swing of the Axe
15.Bestial Invasion
16.The Winter Zephyr (...Within Kingdoms of Mist)- Live
17.Highland Tyrant Attack - Live
18.The Thrice is Greatest to Ninnigal-Live
19.The Coming of War - Live
20.Book of Splendour - Live
21.Tasseomancy - Live