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ASH RA TEMPEL Schwingungen (Remastered by Manuel Göttsching) CD
- CD
Ash Ra Tempel to fundamentalny zespół w historii krautrocka - dość wspomnieć, że pierwotny skład tworzyli dwaj giganci europejskiej muzyki - Klaus Schulze i Manuel Göttsching. „Schwingungen” to klasyczne dzieło Niemców, drugi krążek nagrany już po odejściu Schulze. W przeciwieństwie do instrumentalnego debiutu, Manuel - spiritus movens albumu, wśród wielu gości zaprosił Johna L. którego wokalizy mogą przypominać zaśpiewy Damo Suzuki’ego. Hipnotyczna, mantryczna, psychodeliczna muzyka gdzieś miedzy transowością Can, garażowym blues-punkiem The Stooges, psychodeliczną zwięzłością Pink Floyd circa „Meddle”. Absolutny klasyk! Jak pisał Julian Cope: to płyta, która zmienia życie. ”Strzeżcie się Schwingungen”
One of the most important German Krautrock albums in a 2021 Re-Cut carefully overseen by Manuel Göttsching himself.
As for the info we refer to Julian Cope´s review in his "Krautrocksampler" Book, Publisher : Head Heritage (1 Oct. 1995) :
"Beware of Schwingungen!" That should be the large sticker on the front of all copies of this record. For it is dangerous to be casuallyintroduced to something that is life-changing, as I found out to my cost when first listening to this record. It all starts fairly simply and without any cause for alarm - "Look at Your Sun" begins with a Doorsy lone groover guitar begins a pedestrian blues, beautiful. Then the most crushed voice, a cross between Johnny Rotten and Tiny Tim, preaches its way into the proceeds. God, it is beautiful - John L. repeats over and over, "We are all one, we are all one", until a howling fuzztone solo guitar blows the whole onechord "Signed D.C." ringing-cymbals torture to an end. And then the most far out track of all begins. This is called "Flower Must Die" and it is a free-rock giant that transcends everything else in its field (there are no contenders.) As I've written before, PIL sounds like this. John L. was John Lydon in a previous incarnation. After a slow weird build, a frantic streamlined one-chord mantra kicks in and it's like the Stooges' Funhouse period but in a Righteous Vision Zone that fucks them right off. Phasing tears at the whole tracks as this Holy Racket crosses into Hyper-space and everything gets all hyphenated just-for-the-sake-of-it. "Flowers Must Die", man, it's fucked up. Over on Side 2, the title-track ("Vibrations") begins poetically enough with Wolfgang Muller's epic and hugely reverbed vibraphone. Organ fades in and FX guitars, and time passes by. Finally, tom-toms roll and the developing pace is built upon until that great eternal chord sequence finally materialises — this is the one that Göttsching and Enke believed was the sound of heaven. They may have been right. And Schwingungen was a gift from the Gods."
1. Light: Look At Your Sun 6:20
2..Darkness: Flowers Must Die 12:20
3. Schwingungen 19:00