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Płyta winylowa artysty CAPCOM SOUND TEAM pod tytułem Monster Hunter World Ost Deluxe. Produkt pochodzi z legalnej, oficjalnej dystrybucji i jest fabrycznie nowy.
Disc 1
1. Main Theme: Stars at Our Backs
2. Main Menu
3. Meeting a Friend
4. Prologue
5. The New World: First Uproar
6. Cornerstone of the New World: Astera
7. Meowscular Chef's Custom Platter
8. First Council Meeting: Daily Matters
9. Preparing for the Journey: Living Quarters
10. Stalking: Hold Your Breath
11. The New World Before My Eyes (Day)
12. The New World Before My Eyes (Night)
13. Ancient Forest: Small Monsters Abound
14. Ancient Forest: Medium Monsters Abound
Disc 2
1. Savage of the Ancient Forest
2. Savage of the Ancient Forest: The Chase
3. Quest Complete!: Proof of a Hero
4. Celestial Pursuit: Bustling Heavens
5. Tale of the Five
6. The Wind on the Wastelands (Day)
7. The Wind on the Wastelands (Night)
8. Wildspire Waste: Small Monsters Abound
9. Wildspire Waste: Medium Monsters Abound
10. Rulers of the Wildspire
11. Rulers of the Wildspire: The Chase
12. Quest Failed
13. Eat Up!
14. Second Council Meeting: Tension
Disc 3
1. Beast with Fire Upon its Back: Zorah Magdaros
2. Proof of a Hero: Monster Hunter: World
3. Returning from an Expedition
4. The Isolated Researchers: Third Fleet Research Base
5. Tailraider Safari, Go!
6. Raining Life on the Highlands (Day)
7. Raining Life on the Highlands (Night)
8. Coral Highlands: Small Monsters Abound
9. Coral Highlands: Medium Monsters Abound
10. Dancer in the Coral Highlands
11. Dancer in the Coral Highlands: The Chase
12. Returning from a Quest
13. Arena: Small Monsters Abound
14. Arena: Large Monsters Abound
Disc 4
1. Where Life Comes to Rest (Day)
2. Where Life Comes to Rest (Night)
3. Rotten Vale: Small Monsters Abound
4. Rotten Vale: Medium Monsters Abound
5. Murmurs from the Land Forbidden
6. Murmurs from the Land Forbidden: The Chase
7. On Sale Now!
8. Dreams of Tomorrow: Private Quarters
9. Third Council Meeting: Showdown
10. To the Next Life
11. Journey to the Truth
12. The Argosy Calls
13. Poogie's Great Delight [World Version]
14. The Radiance of the Crystals (Day)
Disc 5
1. The Radiance of the Crystals (Night)
2. Elder's Recess: Small Monsters Abound
3. Elder's Recess: Medium Monsters Abound
4. Forces of Land and Life
5. Forces of Land and Life: The Chase
6. Gorgeous Days: Private Suite
7. Even Elder Dragons Tremble: Nergigante
8. Even Elder Dragons Tremble: Nergigante: The Chase
9. In the Domain of the Gajalaka
10. The Savage Gajalaka
11. The Shadow Upon the Tempest: Kushala Daora [World Version]
12. The Shadow Upon the Tempest: Kushala Daora: The Chase
13. Ruler of the Flame: Teostra [World Version]
14. Ruler of the Flame: Teostra: The Chase
Disc 6
1. Fourth Council Meeting: Revival
2. Keeper of Hades: Vaal Hazak
3. Keeper of Hades: Vaal Hazak: The Chase
4. The Invading Tyrant: Bazelgeuse
5. The Invading Tyrant: Bazelgeuse: The Chase
6. Unsettling Premonition
7. Guiding Lamp to the Otherworld
8. How Life Springs Anew
9. Quest Complete!: Main Theme
10. Guidance
11. Proof of a Hero: Monster Hunter [World Version] [Extended Edition]
12. State of Emergency!
13. Pride of a Nameless Hunter