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CRISTOBAL TAPIA DE VEER The White Lotus (Soundtrack From The HBO® Original Limited Series) 2LP #3
- 2LP
Niezwykła ścieżka dźwiękowa do hitowego serialu HBO® "The White Lotus". Szamańska, dzika, tajemnicza, seksualna, czasami bardzo taneczna, czasami lekko przerażająca (w najlepszy sposób) i zawsze szalenie przyjemna, To wielka, wspaniała i zuchwała muzyka, która z pewnością oczaruje szerokie grono melomanów, od kolekcjonerów soundtracków, po poszukiwaczy przygód z egzotyką, miłośników library music, ambientowych marzycieli, czarodziejskich tancerzy i eksperymentujących popowych bon vivantów. W wydaniu tym znajduje się kultowa piosenka przewodnia serialu (wersja S01).
Prace Cristobala Tapii de Veera zostały uhonorowana licznymi nagrodami, w tym dwiema nagrodami Emmy własnie za "The White Lotus".
WRWTFWW Records is ecstatic to announce the first ever vinyl release for the remarkable soundtrack of HBO® hit series The White Lotus by Chilean born composer, arranger, music producer, multi-instrumentalist Cristobal “Cristo” Tapia de Veer (Utopia, Smile, Black Mirror and many many more).
This limited edition release is packed with 28 tracks, showcasing the complete music score of the cult series’ first season. It comes as a deluxe double LP with white-colored 180g vinyl housed in a heavyweight gatefold sleeve with an OBI strip and a double-sided 12x12 inches art print. It is available in a choice of 3 different sleeve artwork variants, each based on the series’ brilliant opening sequence concept by Plains of Yonder and illustrator Lezio Lopes.
Shamanic, feral, mysterious, sexual, sometimes very danceable, sometimes slightly frightening (in the best ways), and always insanely enjoyable, The White Lotus soundtrack is a roaring beast of its own and one of the most visceral listening experiences in recent memory. Tapia de Veer’s haunting score sensually blends tribal percussion with charango, bass, atmospherics, and organic vocals from humans and animals, bringing to life the tension, the wildness, as well as the rare but precious serenity and romance felt throughout the guests’ adventurous stay at The White Lotus Resort - with grace and a just the right amount of insolence. It’s big, wonderful and audacious music, sure to captivate a wide array of melomaniacs, from soundtrack collectors to exotica adventurers, library diggers, ambient dreamers, sorcerous dancers, and experimental pop bon vivants.
Included in the release is the series’ iconic theme song (S01 version), a bonafide hit and spellbinding sensation.
Cristobal Tapia de Veer’s work has been celebrated with numerous award wins, including 2 Emmy Awards for The White Lotus.
A1. Aloha!
A2. Pineapple Suite
A3. Jungle Fever
A4. Rejuvenated
A5. Pool Walk
A6. Dinner
A7. Courtship
A8. Special Chosen Baby Child
A9. Honeymoon
B1. Ocean Call
B2. Wtf!
B3. Sabotage
B4. Decadence
B5. Ashes
B6. Welcome to America
B7. Drugs
B8. Waves
B9. Manchild
C1. Human Remains
C2. Wake Up!
C3. Meds
C4. Mahalo
C5. Finally Jesus!
C6. A Way Out
D1. Fuck This Place!
D2. A Mistake & the Ocean
D3. Sea Turtle Song
D4. I Want to Live