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DEAD CAN DANCE Into The Labyrinth 2LP
- Vinyl, 2LP, Album
Płyta winylowa artysty DEAD CAN DANCE pod tytułem Into The Labyrinth. Produkt pochodzi z legalnej, oficjalnej dystrybucji i jest fabrycznie nowy.
A1 Yulunga (Spirit Dance) 6:56
A2 The Ubiquitous Mr Lovegrove 6:16
A3 The Wind That Shakes The Barley 2:50
B1 The Carnival Is Over 5:28
B2 Ariadne 1:54
B3 Saldek 1:07
B4 Towards The Within 7:06
C1 Tell Me About The Forest (You Once Called Home) 5:42
C2 The Spider's Stratagem 6:42
C3 Emmeleia 2:04
C4 How Fortunate The Man With None 9:15
D1 Bird 5:00
D2 Spirit 4:59