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GAS Rausch CD
- CD
Rausch with no name / My beautiful shine / You are the sun / This is where I want to be / Rausch with no morning / This is where we burn / The Stars sparkle / In a sea of flames / Horns and fanfares / Fanfares of joy / Fanfares of fear / The wine we drink through the eyes / The moon pours down at night in waves / Careful with that axe Eugene / Personal Jesus / No beginning no end / Eighteenth of Oktember / The night falls / The king comes / The hunt starts / Freude schöner Götterfunken / The long march through the underwood / Trust me there’s nothing / Once upon a time there was a bandit / Who loved a prince / That was long ago / Spring Summer Fall and Gas / There is a train heading to Nowhere / Drums and Trumpets / Future without mankind / Warm snow / Alles ist gut / The bells toll / You are not alone / The murmur in the forest / The murmur in the head / Light as mist / Heavy as lead / Music happens / To flow like gas / A clearing / Heavy baggage / Debut in the afterlife / Death has seven cats / World heritage Rausch / Finally infinite
Wolfgang Voigt 2018
01 Rausch 1 7:54
02 Rausch 2 9:46
03 Rausch 3 13:32
04 Rausch 4 5:03
05 Rausch 5 9:43
06 Rausch 6 7:56
07 Rausch 7 6:19
UWAGA: Podział na utwory umowny, dokonany z przyczyn formalnych.
Artysta sugeruje słuchanie płyty od początku do końca, jako jednej kompozycji.
Oba formaty (CD/2LP) zawierają pełną wersję "Rausch"