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KOLSCH Now Here No Where 2LP
- 2LP
Czwarty album duńskiego maestro i pewna odmiana w porównaniu z trylogią (1977 / 1983 / 1989 ) - mniej tu nostalgicznych wycieczek, więcej elektronicznego chłodu i rytmicznego konkretu. To muzyka, która odzwierciedla emocjonalne przeżywanie niespokojnej współczesności. “An album about life in the year 2020" - jak mówi twórca.
On his fourth album proper, Now Here No Where, Danish producer Kölsch (aka Rune Reilly Kölsch) is charting new terrain. Fans of his ‘years trilogy’ – 1977, 1983 and 1989, released on Kompakt over the past decade – were privy to a kind of sonic diary, an autobiography, tracking the artist’s early years through three albums of superior, meticulously rendered techno.
Calling in collaborators where needed – most notably, the strings of Gregor Schwellenbach – there was still something deeply personal going down, not quite hermetic, but internally focused; the albums proved not only Kölsch’s mastery of his chosen form, but also his capacity to make techno personal, individual, and to trace histories of the self through music.
But on Now Here No Where, Kölsch finds his feet firmly planted in the present. Reflecting on his new album, he notes, “It is fascinating to write about memories and feelings that have had years to manifest and develop, but how would I approach current emotions?” It’s a good question: our past coheres through the narratives we build around memories, but the moment we’re in, the newness of the now-ness, is harder to navigate; this story is as yet untold. For Kölsch, this makes Nowhere Now Here “an album about life in the year 2020. A time defined by confusion, misinformation and environmental challenges. It is an emotional interpretation of personal and mental challenges, observations and personal growth."
1. Great Escape 04:13
2. Shoulder Of Giants 04:56
3. Remind You 05:56
4. Sleeper Must Awaken 05:48
5. Time 06:16
6. Traumfabrik 04:58
7. Fandango 05:46
8. Glypto 05:39
9. Now Here No Where 05:47
10. Romtech User Manual 05:57
11. While Waiting For Something To Care About 05:39
12. Pause 05:41