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MAGENTA Monogramme CD
- CD
In the beginning there was FAUVE, cult french rock band with unique on-fire spoken-word singing & epic concerts.
4 out of the 5 former Fauve members decided to resume creation and to change everything. They are back on a new name : MAGENTA & with a totally different global identity, up to the music: new foundations. No more rock, pure electronic music from classic french touch to new electro vibes. But still featuring lyrics & singing reminding their former roots. And electronic played live using a drummer & a guitarist on top of machines & keyboards.
Avant 4:31
Fatigué 4:45
Ultramarine 4:18
Boum Bap 4:15
Maman 3:23
2019 2:51
Faux 4:10
Nikki III 5:56
Assez ? 4:31
Honda Wave 3:34
Solide 3:19
Pointe Rouge 3:45
Monogramme 5:01