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MIKE SHINODA Post Traumatic (Picture Vinyl) 2LP
- Vinyl | Album | Picture
a a1 - Place To Start Mike Shinoda
[b] a2 - Over Again [Mike Shinoda]
[c] a3 - Watching As I Fall [Mike Shinoda]
[d] a4 - Nothing Makes Sense Anymore [Mike Shinoda]
[e] b1 - About You (feat. blackbear) [Mike Shinoda]
[f] b2 - Brooding (Instrumental) [Mike Shinoda]
[g] b3 - Promises I Can't Keep [Mike Shinoda]
[h] b4 - Crossing A Line [Mike Shinoda]
[i] c1 - Hold It Together [Mike Shinoda]
[j] c2 - Ghosts [Mike Shinoda]
[k] c3 - Make It Up As I Go (feat. K.Flay) [Mike Shinoda]
[l] c4 - Lift Off (feat. Chino Moreno and Machine Gun Kelly) [Mike Shinoda]
[m] d1 - I.O.U. [Mike Shinoda]
[n] d2 - Running From My Shadow (feat. grandson) [Mike Shinoda]
[o] d3 - World's On Fire [Mike Shinoda]
[p] d4 - Can't Hear You Now [Mike Shinoda]
[q] d5 - Prove You Wrong [Mike Shinoda]
[r] d6 - What The Words Meant [Mike Shinoda]