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WykonawcaMORSE, NEAL
MORSE, NEAL Jesus Christ The Exorcist 3LP
- Wykonawca: MORSE, NEAL Tytuł: Jesus Christ The Exorcist LP
4.Gather the People
5.Jesus' Baptism
6.Jesus' Temptation
7.There's a Highway
8.The Woman of Seven Devils
9.Free at Last
10.The Madman of the Gadarenes
11.Love Has Called My Name
12.Better Weather
13.The Keys to the Kingdom
14.Get Behind Me Satan
1.He Must Go to the Cross
3.Hearts Full of Holes
4.The Last Supper
6.Jesus Before the Council and Peter's Denial
7.Judas' Death
8.Jesus Before Pilate and the Crucifixion
9.Mary at the Tomb
10.The Greatest Love of All
11.Love Has Called My Name (Reprise)
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