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NASUM Inhale Exhale CD
- Wykonawca: NASUM Tytuł: Inhale Exhale
Płyta kompaktowa CD artysty NASUM pod tytułem Inhale Exhale. Produkt pochodzi z legalnej, oficjalnej dystrybucji i jest fabrycznie nowy.
1. This is...
2. The masked face
3. Digging in
4. Time to act!
5. Disdain and comtempt
6. I see lies
7. Inhale/Exhale
8. Too naked to distort
9. There s no escape
10. The rest is over
11. Disappointed
12. Lägg om!
13. You re obsolete
14. Tested
15. Shapeshifter
16. Feed them, kill them, skin them
17. When science fails
18. Closing in
19. The world that you made
20. The system has failed again
21. For what cause?
22. Fullmated
23. Screwed
24. Shaping the end
25. The new firing-squad
26. No sign of improvement
27. My philosophy
28. I m not silent
29. The breathing furnace
30. Information is free
31. Burning inside
32. A request for guidance
33. Gre
34. Worldcraft
35. It s never too late
36. Du är bevakad
37. Blinded
38. Can de lach