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NOUVELLE VAGUE Nouvelle Vague 20th Anniversary 2LP
Płyta winylowa artysty NOUVELLE VAGUE pod tytułem Nouvelle Vague 20th Anniversary Lp. Produkt pochodzi z legalnej, oficjalnej dystrybucji i jest fabrycznie nowy.
1.Love Will Tear Us Apart
2.Just Can't Get Enough
3.In a Manner of Speaking
4.Guns of Brixton
5.This Is Not a Love Song
6.Too Drunk to Fuck
8.Making Plans for Nigel
9.A Forest
10.I Melt With You
11.Teenage Kicks
1.Friday Night Saturday Morning
2.Sorry for Laughing
3.Wishing (If I Had a Photograph of You)
4.A Forest
5.Bizarre Love Triangle
6.This Is Not a Love Song
7.Making Plans for Nigel
8.Even Fallen in Love
9.Guns of Brixton
10.Love Will Tear Us Apart
11.In a Manner of Speaking