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RONE Rone & Friends CD
- CD
"Rone & Friends“ has the musical colour of Rone’s friendships, of his crushes for a few additional less expected guest voices, but also inevitably of his own personality. With a strange year 2020 where borders and concert venues have closed, Rone felt the need to come closer to his artist friends and to reshuffle his creations with their voices as the new beating heart. The new collaborative album includes voices by Georgia, Yael Naim, Casper Clausen (Efterklang), Flavien Berger, Jenny Beth, Dominique A and many others.
01_Sot-l'y-laisse (Odezenne) - 02:55
02_Waves Of Devotion (Georgia) - 03:30
03_Et le jour Commence (Jehnny Beth) - 02:48
04_À l'Errance (Dominique A) - 03:42
05_L'Orage (Laura Etchegoyhen) - 03:09
06_Un (Alain Damasio & Mood) - 04:02
07_Polichinelle (Flavien Berger) - 02:24
08_Breathe In (Yael Naim) - 03:56
09_Faro (Malibu) - 03:20
10_La Nuit Venue (Camélia Jordana) - 03:15
11_Closer (Casper Clausen & Mélissa Laveaux) - 06:59
12_Twenty 20 (Roya Arab) - 02:32