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- Wykonawca: SABATON Tytuł: 20th Anniversary Show BLURAY+DVD
BLU-RAY artysty SABATON pod tytułem 20th Anniversary Show Bluray+dvd. Produkt pochodzi z legalnej, oficjalnej dystrybucji i jest fabrycznie nowy.
01. Ghost Division (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
02. Winged Hussars (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
03. Resist And Bite (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
04. Fields Of Verdun (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
05. Shiroyama (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
06. The Red Baron (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
07. The Price Of A Mile (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
08. Bismarck (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
09. The Lion From The North (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
10. Carolus Rex (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
11. 40:1 (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
12. The Last Stand (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
13. The Lost Battalion (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
14. Drum Battle (Hannes Van Dahl vs. Daniel Mullback) (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
15. Far From The Fame (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
16. Panzerkampf (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
17. Night Witches (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
18. The Art Of War (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
19. 82nd All The Way (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
20. Great War (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
21. Attero Dominatus (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
22. Primo Victoria (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
23. Swedish Pagans (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
24. To Hell And Back (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
01. Ghost Division (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
02. Winged Hussars (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
03. Resist And Bite (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
04. Fields Of Verdun (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
05. Shiroyama (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
06. The Red Baron (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
07. The Price Of A Mile (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
08. Bismarck (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
09. The Lion From The North (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
10. Carolus Rex (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
11. 40:1 (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
12. The Last Stand (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
13. The Lost Battalion (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
14. Drum Battle (Hannes Van Dahl vs. Daniel Mullback) (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
15. Far From The Fame (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
16. Panzerkampf (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
17. Night Witches (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
18. The Art Of War (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
19. 82nd All The Way (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
20. Great War (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
21. Attero Dominatus (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
22. Primo Victoria (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
23. Swedish Pagans (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)
24. To Hell And Back (Wacken 20th Anniversary Show)