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SPARKS Exotic Creatures Of The Deep (deluxe Edition) 2LP
- Vinyl | 2LP | Album
Płyta winylowa artysty SPARKS pod tytułem Exotic Creatures Of The Deep (deluxe Edition). Produkt pochodzi z legalnej, oficjalnej dystrybucji i jest fabrycznie nowy.
A1 Intro
A2 Good Morning
A3 Strange Animal
B1 I Can't Believe That You Would Fall For All The Crap In This Song
B2 Let The Monkey Drive
B3 Intro Reprise
B4 I've Never Been High
C1 (She Got Me) Pregnant
C2 Lighten Up, Morrissey
C3 This Is The Renaissance
D1 The Director Never Yelled 'Cut'
D2 Photoshop
D3 Likeable