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THE DRIFT INSTITUTE Damage And Their Slices 2LP
- 2LP
For fans of: Massive Attack, Shackleton, Muslimgauze
"Damage and Their Slices" to debiutancki album NVST i Theo Mullera jako The Drift Institute, w którym zapraszają słuchaczy do głębokiego zanurkowania w ezoterycznym uniwersum, gdzie mroczna magia spotyka się z polityczną rewoltą. Pełne różnych muzycznych wpływów (dark ambient, drone, muzyka industrialna, dub i trip-hop) transowe kompozycje są subtelną mieszanką odurzających melodii, otulających metalicznych tekstur i upojnych rytmów, pogrążających słuchacza w stanie bliskim oczarowaniu.
In this collaborative album, producers NVST and Théo Muller invite their listeners to a deep dive into an esoteric universe where black magic combines with political revolt to offer a complete and outlet experience.
Full of various musical influences (dark ambient, drone, industrial music, dub and trip-hop) the musical composition is a subtle blend of intoxicating melodies, enveloping metallic textures and heady rhythms plunging the listener into a state close to the bewitchment. This music invites you to indulge in this haunting trance that culminates in a sensory catharsis in the more explosive phases of the album.
But the alchemy also comes from the fusion of the senses and the meaning, which emerges from a committed discourse based on the texts written and proclaimed by the musician NVST. Similar to mantras, these words unfold in an acid criticism of modern society and denounce all its excesses: economic domination, depravity of the capitalist system, police violence and mass surveillance. So many deviations and injustices that invite awareness and revolt. But in the Drift Institute, the revolt is no longer just ideological, it becomes carnal because it is not reasons that make revolutions, it is bodies.
To take this discourse out of its literal dimension and take it to a supernatural and visceral experience, NVST and Théo Muller create an atmosphere with powerful and enigmatic symbolic evocations. Borrowing from the codes of witchcraft and the occult sciences, they deploy a strongly cinematographic universe and offer a narrative journey centered around the figure of the Drift Institute. A mysterious secret society established in a castle with a Gothic aesthetic, its mission is to purge the evil of the world and its leaders in the course of dark shamanic ceremonies. A terrifying process but necessary for the advent of a fairer world and rid of its infamies.
A1. Welcome To The Drift Institute
A2. I Used To Be A Stoner
A3. Sticks 4 Freaks
B1. Big Shots
B2. Money
B3. Street Interlude
C1. Cute Dog
C2. Police Everywhere
C3. Experienced Drivers
D1. Reality Sucks
D2. Percent
D3. Lavage De Cerveau