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Inspiraton for this, the second LP from The Paradise Bangkok Molam Internatonal Band, is the musical experimentaton that has happened at their seminal venue in Bangkok, Studio Lam, and how that has infuenced their sound, whether it's the alternatve nights featuring individual band members (Paradise
Bangkok Rhythm Secton, Kammao & friends, Electric Piphat Band) or sets from other artsts and DJs like Andrew Ashong, Miles Cleret, Hugo Mendez, Awesome Tapes From Africa, Rabih Beaini, Kirk Degiorgio, and Phuong Dan.
The fact that Studio Lam has become a musical focal point for the city of Bangkok, has inevitably had an impact on the band itself, and this is refected in the presence of diferent vibes and styles of the LP. The sound of 'Planet Lam' has been shaped by late night jamming gigs, home made ya-dong, run ins with the police, and the swapping of ideas with like-minded local musicians and artsts.
01: Lai Wua (Chasing The Cow)
02: India Chia Muay (Thai Boxing Re-Fix)
03: Mor Rhythm Mor Khaen
04: Studio Lam Suite
05: The Adventures Of Sinsai
06: Namtok (Waterfall)
07: Sudsanan
08: Exit Planet Lam
09: Lam San Ra (2016 Version)
10: Exit Dub