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V/A Fire Draw Near LP
- An Anthology of Irish Traditional Song and Music
Płyta winylowa artysty V/A pod tytułem Fire Draw Near. Produkt pochodzi z legalnej, oficjalnej dystrybucji i jest fabrycznie nowy.
1. The Raineys - Woman of the House
2. Mary Doran - When I Was In Horseback
3. Tom Lenihan - Paddy's Panacea
4. Tommy Reck - the Kilfrush
5. The Trip To Durrow
6. Frank Harte - the Finding of Moses
7. Nora Cleary - the Codfish
8. Joe Heaney - Amhr N Na Heascainne
9. John Reilly Jr - the Jolly Tinker
10. Grace Toland - Flora
11. Johnny Doran - Colonel Fraser, My Love is In America, Rakish
12. Luke Cheevers - Ulysses
13. Joe Holmes - the Dark Eyed Gypsy
14. Francie Byrne - the Cat That Kittled In Jamie's Wig